Unity is an integration tool. While you can create geometry and various types of particle effects, you mostly import assets created in other programs like Blender, Photoshop, Visual Studio, and others. Unity accepts image files, 3D model files, audio files, text files, plugins, and Unity created assets like animations, masks, and presets.

If you are curious about the specific supported types, see the official Unity documentation on Supported Asset Types.

Now that you’ve organized your folders, you’re ready to import the assets for the game. First, you’ll import the star of the show: the space marine. You can download the space marine over here:


Download and extract the contents. Now you are ready to start importing.

Note: This tutorial is part of a collection that teaches Unity development from the ground up. You can read the entire series over here. This series is free and does not require any account creation. All assets are provided. If you find it useful, feel free to buy me a coffee.

Understanding the zip file contents

Once you unzip your the download file, you’ll discover that it contains three different files. There are two 3D model and one image.

  1. BobbleMarine-Head.fbx
  2. BobbleMarine-Body.fbx
  3. Bobble Wars Marine texture.psd

You’ll also notice two different file types: FBX and PSD. For those unfamiliar, here is the breakdown:

FBX: This is a file format invented by AutoDesk. These files typically contain 3D models, but they can also include textures and animations. 3D programs, such as Maya and Blender, allow you to export your models for import into programs such as Unity using this file format. While FBX is not an open format, it does have broad support across many different applications.

PSD: This is a Photoshop file created by Adobe. These are designed to hold image data such as layers, masks and other things. Like FBX, the PSD file format is a closed format, but it also has broad support. You don’t need

In summation, you have two 3D models representing the head and body of your space marine. The image files provides all the colors for the models. Now you need to add it to your project.

Adding the space marine

To get started, open up your file browser, and then drag the FBX files into the models folder in Unity. This will import the files and allow you to use them right away.

For these screenshots, I’m using Finder in macOS, but it will work the same in Windows (and hopefully Linux).

You’ll notice that each of the model files contains there icon. This makes it easy to see file type at a glance.

Now do the same for the PSD file. Drag it into the Textures folder. You should now have three assets imported into your project.

Switch back to the Models folder and select BobbleMarine-Body. The Inspector view will now display information specific to that model. This is an older model and contains a warning. You’ll also notice tabs to find out about different aspects of the model.

The Inspector allows you to make changes to the model’s configuration, and it allows changes to any selected object’s properties. Since objects can be vastly different from one another, the Inspector will change context based on the object selected.

At the bottom of the Inspector, you’ll see the text: BobbleMarine-Body. Click and hold and drag up on your mouse.

When you do that, you will expand the model preview of your model. You can then drag and rotate the model to see it in different perspectives.

You can also do the same for your head as well.

Importing a Unity package

The rest of the game assets are combined into a single bundle called a Unity package. This is a common way that artists deliver assets for Unity, especially when they purchase them from the Unity store. You can also make your own Unity packages. These packages are useful because it will export not just your assets, but your configuration changes as well.

Some of the model files are put in Blender files. Blender is a free open source program that allows you to create 3D models. In order to use the Blender model files in Unity 3D, you need to have Blender installed on your system.

Download and install Blender at the following URL: https://www.blender.org/download/

Once you have Blender installed, you’ll need to download the Unity package for this tutorial series. You can directly download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ndpUernKaqVQn7idY9gs91fLMxvYx8Tr/view?usp=drive_link

Once downloaded, you’ll need to import them. Select Assets / Import Package / Custom Package…, navigate to your resources folder and select BobbleWars-Jezner.unitypackage, then click Open.

You’ll be presented with a list of assets included in that package, all of which are selected by default. Note that some of these are Blender files, but there are also other files like textures and sounds as well. Click the Import button to import them into Unity.

The import will add a bunch of additional assets to your project. If you get a warning, just dismiss it.

This unitypackage contains A LOT of duplicated assets from all the years working on this project. To keep things tidy, single-click the newly generated Materials folder (in the Models folder) and rename it to Models. Drag this new folder into the parent-level Materials folder.

Now you are ready to start building your game!

Where to go from here

At this point, you have all your assets in place and ready to be used. Take the time to explore all the assets. You’ll see you have sounds, models, and images. You’ll put them all to use in this tutorial series.

In the next tutorial, you’ll add your models to the current Scene. It will be awhile before you add interactivity, but that will come in time.

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By Brian Moakley

Brian Moakley is a writer and editor who lives amongst the quiet hills in New England. When not reading tales of high adventure, he is often telling such stories to all who will listen.

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